TikTok Often has Some of The Best Recommendations.....

I don't know about you, but one thing I can count on TikTok to give me is a good movie or TV show recommendation, especially in the realm of Kdrama, anime, films, animations, and other entertaining works of art. I have found some of the best shows through that app.

Photo Credit: IMDb

Personally, I don't watch a lot of movies, but I'm glad I watched this one. I would like to thank France for 'this captivating story.' On Sunday, I sat down to watch a complex presentation of love, resilience, and dogs. I have always wanted to own a dog. I can't imagine how much it would cost to take care of one, not to think of over 50 dogs.

Now is a good time to mention that I am no critic of any kind. I see what might be interesting and give it a chance. Therefore, I encourage you to give this movie a chance.

I would be excited to know what you think about it in the comment section.

While searching for a Japanese show I had been eyeing for the past 2 weeks, I came across another movie called 'The Flux Gourmet.' I am going to attempt to watch it, but from the looks of it, I might not enjoy it. However, I am keeping an open mind as I love movies and shows about cooking. So if I do watch it, I'll write about it next.
