Towards 2020

Vision 2020- I mean this as a goal, I, unfortunately, do not have 20/20 vision, my eyesight sucks.

Previously, I said I was gonna wing most parts of 2020 and somebody's son called me to blast meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I spent at least 5 minutes explaining how I said I was going to wing "most of the year" and that I had goals that needed to be executed regardless of any circumstance.

At the beginning of every year or a few days before the year starts, I blog about my goals and plans for the new year, I do this to challenge myself and to measure my growth, what I do not do is keep you guys updated on my progress πŸ™ˆ.

2020 is another opportunity to scale higher than in 2019.

One of my biggest problems in 2019 was saving money. Trust me I have used Piggyvest to save since late 2017 (heard about it on twitter) and I totally recommend the app for people trying to develop healthy saving culture (Nigerians Only). The software is brilliant, the problem lies with me. 2020 I will be saving my money in the Safelock and try my possible best to forget about it. It boils down to discipline honestly. #NoStories

Speaking of discipline, another area I need to develop discipline in my life is living a healthy lifestyle. Like I want to go to the gym for 6 months straight, at least 4 times a week, and eat less sugar. You don't want to know what prompted this, but I honestly need to get my old body back, it wasn't perfect but I miss it, It seems my family misses it more so I will need to develop a plan to get fit and get right. I have gone to download motivational quotes on my phones in January I will begin to use them as my wallpaper πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

P.S- I have a picture of Megan thee Stallion I look at and it motivates me to act right 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

2020 I would honestly love to honest two personal events. I say personal because I want to fund them majorly by myself, and hopefully, they won't be the regular rave or rage type of festivals. Something very different and sustainable, that never gets old. If I'm lucky enough it could turn into an annual-ish.

Then I want to start a business I have been keeping since 2016, it's very personal to me and I would love for it to start by the end of Q1 2020, honestly, I just need the capital. I wish someone would just throw me like $700 and be like "take it", lol I would create my new baby and just get on with it. Fortunately, I can try and get it started by Q2 2020.

School has been great over the past years, I don't have much to set for 2020 except to actually keep my head in the game and get it right. I pray I graduate by 2021, while I would love for that to happen at the back of my mind I have a mini panic attack worrying about my preferred career path. I know I want to make money, but in what way?? 2021 seems far but in reality, it's not. While I let my heart race at the millions of possible outcomes, I am also lowkey looking for internships for summer 2020.

If you haven't figured me out yet, I am really big on self-development.

Ultimately, I just want to be one with God and be filled with Joy.

That is why when I am not working to achieve these and other goals I will wing it.


  1. Honestly, trying to figure out what career path to take is very stressful. You'll figure it out sha.

    Also, when is faes world coming to Ghana? I've been waiting for it since 2017.


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