The 2019 Nigerian Elections


After its initial cancellation on the 16th of February and postponement to the 23rd of February, INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) still went on to organize ONE of THE WORST ELECTIONS in the HISTORY OF NIGERIA. In case you are wondering what INEC is- It is an organization that has just ONE job to fulfill every four years but has somehow consistently excelled at failing at that job.

OK, you can come for me saying my position on this election is biased but this post will ONLY state the facts I won't come at you with half-baked "stories or speculations". It took a lot of time to post this because I have been reading up on the discourse and following up on the developing situations and it has been an intriguing and quite frankly laughable situation. Please don't expect me to come and write everything here, I'm too lazy for that. 

This election left a lot of Nigerians and foreigners with a lot of questions. It left the average Nigerian with a lot of pain and frankly restored the hopelessness we thought we had overcome.

                       Let's be honest about this, everything was wrong. Few weeks to the elections and it was obvious the electoral commission was having issues, especially with security and logistics. On Friday the 15th on February, jobs, banks and other corporations closed down early to allow the general public plan ahead of the voting. Only for the electoral commission to announce at 3:00am that they had postponed the elections. People put their lives on hold to perform their civil duties and you postpone it in the middle of the night? What a  Wonderment

And we wonder why people didn't bother to come out on the 23rd of January, according to BBC this election was the lowest turnout of voters in 20 years, voter interest has been in a constant decline since 2003. 

Can we forget the living conditions the Youth Corpers that were asked to assist the electoral officers and found themselves sleeping on the ground in open spaces on the 15/16th of February lived in? Nobody deserves this, not even for serving their fatherland. 

After witnessing all this gragra (hassle) I asked myself why can't we move from this old and outdated version of actually counting and shouting the results for 73 political parties. Like are we not tired? I feel nothing but pity for my country, but the thing with us Nigerians is we always glorify suffering, we no dey like good thing. If not what stops a country like Nigeria with millions of people making change around the world to develop a system that will electronically allow Nigerians vote, not just Nigerians in Nigeria but also around the world. It will save human lives, reduce the finances spent of printing ballot papers, moving the voting equipment, resources spent on individual traveling and so much more. Anyways, before we start that though let's get the card readers working *sips tea*. 

LOL, my country na joke but no worry. Slowly we are realizing that we as a country deserve better, tribalism, hatred, killings and other unnecessary acts should not even be in our hearts, unfortunetly we are being exploited and forced to glorify suffering and poverty. UNFORTUNATE BUT REAL

I'm a lazy writer but please can you all read this and look at the truth within it, this article is eye-opening and intriguing, one of my favorite reads so far...
