Checking In

The TASS conference is finally over, Spring break is also over... School is back in session, the stress continues...The year has been eventful and unexpectedly relaxing so far. Things are beginning to get better in most aspects of my life, especially the parts I have spent years praying for.

All seems well, but the fear still lingers, I used to feel I was over them but they slip.
They slip into my casual conversations, into my thoughts.
Affects trust most importantly, and I just don't want to destroy anything good because of the past that should be gone and dropped.

So I have made to conscious effort to try harder. I was trying before but it seems it wasn't good enough or hard enough. But can you never really forget the events that have made you the person you are?
Maybe not, but I guess you never let it define you now.

While we try to find healthy ways to address our issues, we can never forget to communicate with the ones that love us, it's important to speak up, vent it all out, you can only be so strong for so long.

A soft reminder, the past few weeks have been stained with way too much bloodshed and pain for many people, please don't take the IDC. Criticize as often as you can, speak up in your own little way.

Ok, big announcement.....

Been thinking a lot about this blog and how I've kinda struggled with keeping it up and how my numbers have grown over the years, but I love it it has been a big challenge. I have gained your love and support no matter how long I went M.I.A. This blog has strictly been my medium for expressing myself, opinions on trending issues at home (Nigeria) and anywhere I find myself.

 I think I am at a point where I need to separate most stuff. I am still unsure of how I am going to manage all of it but I hope my love for writing wins. I will write more often, especially here. I have been doing a lot of Academic writing and I want to work on this aspect of writing that allows freedom to express.

I won't leave this blog, but I will over time (hopefully) find a way to successfully transition and manage both. This blog will strictly be what it was initially created for, to share my thoughts, experiences and to interact.

I'm creating a new one strictly for food and travel (adventure) blogging. That blog will be a new and different blogging experience.  I really explored my love for the unknown with this new project. Hopefully, before the end of April, I should have it ready.

Lol, even the name is very interesting.

In the meantime, I will be keeping this blog very active and interactive.

Thank You 😍😍
